PSU Educational Philosophy

PSU Educational Philosophy

     PSU’s educational philosophy is based on Progressivism, with the aim to develop students in all aspects and prepare them to thrive in their respective societies. This includes assisting them in adapting to unpredictable circumstances by using learning process methods and treating students as the center of attention. Various learner needs, such as problem solving, self-researching processes and taking action inside and outside of the classroom, are considered fundamental to PSU’s “sustainable learning” approach. This led to the formulation of the idea that “change brings improvement” – a type of learning where students are able to apply these methods both at the university and in real-life environments. PSU aims to provide their students with a lifelong learning approach.

     The above-mentioned rationale forms the basis of outcome-based education, developing curricula and the various learning processes listed as follows. Active Learning means learning from a variety of activities and actions. Problem-based Learning describes learning based on problems-solving, e.g. through case studies. Project-based Learning refers to learning based on projects such as assignments and assessments. Service Learning means learning by serving the community. Prince of Songkla University aims to apply these principles successfully, as guided by the motto of the “Prince of Songkla”, His Royal Highness Prince Mahidol Adulyadej: “Our Soul is for the Benefit of Mankind”.


Our Programmes
Students at the  Faculty of Dentistry PSU are supported by excellent facilities and by dedicated support, technical, and administrative staff.
All our courses are internationally benchmarked, so you can be confident of the high quality of education during your time at the Faculty. Our graduates enjoy excellent job prospects and are keenly sought after and well compensated by employers soon after graduation. We look forward to being your life-long learning partners.