Summary of MOU Benefits

Summary of MOU Benefits

Summary of Academic Benefits for the Faculty of Dentistry, PSU Available Under MOUs with Other Universities

Almost every MOU with the Faculty of Dentistry, PSU has the following benefits:

  1. Allows for student exchange, both for undergraduates and graduates. Some are short as 2 weeks or as long as a PhD.
  2. Allows for academic and administrative staff exchange, whether for seminars or academic meetings, teaching, consultation or research purposes, and some allow for clinical training projects.
  3. Allows for Joint research, activities and contact information.
  4. Allows for exchange of academic materials and information.
  5. Shanghai University also allows staff to do their clinical attachment in Tumor surgery, Reconstruction and Microsurgery for 6 months-1 year as well as allowing postgraduate students the opportunity to do their clinical or research project there for 1-3 months.

Each exchange trip requires separate negotiation and communication with the respective MOU University. Each student and staff involved in an exchange will need to fund their own travel, accommodation (except with Taipei University and Gothenburg (Sweden) University) and cover costs of all other expenses.

Note, tuition and application fees are waived by Tokyo MDU and Tohoku Uni, Japan.

Application Process for Student and Staff Exchange

1. For Students

  • firstly you must have your request accepted by the Vice Dean for Education. If you have any initial questions you may ask the International Relations office for information.

   For Staff

  • you must first have your request accepted by the Head of your Department.

(Note for Research Overseas – direct contact with relevant overseas research Professors/Departments may occur first in some cases but the International Relations office can do this for you as well.)

2.Secondly, a document must be sent to the International Relations Office with the relevant information about the exchange including dates, University of interest, objectives etc.

3.Then the International Relations office will contact the relevant University for permission. If the overseas University is OK with the exchange proposal, then the International Relations office will contact your Vice Dean or Head of Department, who will in turn contact you.

For any further questions or assistance required, please contact the International Relations office on the 7th floor of the Faculty of Dentistry.
